Rainy Day Romps: Is it Safe for Your Dog to Be Out in the Rain?

Is it OK for dogs to be in the rain?

While dogs are generally okay in the rain for short periods, it's essential to keep a few things in mind to ensure their health and safety.

Most dogs can handle being in the rain briefly, and some even enjoy it. It's common for dogs to become playful and excited when it drizzles. However, this isn't the case for all dogs, and some might feel nervous or uncomfortable in the rain, especially during heavy downpours or thunderstorms.

Several factors to consider when it comes to dogs and rain include:

  1. Temperature: If it's cold and rainy, dogs can be at risk of hypothermia in tiny, short-haired, and young or old dogs. If you must take your dog out in cold, wet weather, a doggy raincoat or sweater can help keep them warm.
  2. Thunderstorms: If the rain accompanies by thunder and lightning, your dog might get scared. Dogs are more sensitive to noise than humans, and loud thunderclaps can cause distress.
  3. Wet Fur: Prolonged exposure to moisture can cause skin issues in some dogs, especially those with long fur. Always dry your dog thoroughly after they've been in the rain.
  4. Chemicals and Pollutants: After it rains, there can be an increased level of chemicals and pollutants on the ground washed off from roads and sidewalks. Be careful that your dog does not ingest anything harmful from the floor during or after the rain.
  5. Visibility: Heavy rain can affect visibility; if your dog isn't on a leash, it could get lost. Also, drivers might find it harder to see dogs (and people) in the rain, increasing the risk of accidents.

So, while your dog can generally handle the rain, ensuring they're safe, comfortable, and healthy is essential. Constantly monitor the weather and your dog's behavior and respond accordingly. If they seem uncomfortable or scared, keeping them indoors until the weather improves is best.

Taking necessary precautions before and after going out in the rain can significantly ensure the comfort and health of your dog. Here are some steps to take:

Before Going Out in the Rain:

  1. Doggy Rain Gear: Consider investing in rain gear for your dog, especially if they have short fur or are sensitive to cold. A waterproof dog coat will keep your dog relatively dry and warm. Some dogs might also tolerate wearing waterproof boots, which can protect their paws from getting wet and from harmful substances washed onto the ground.
  2. Leash and Reflective Gear: Keep your dog on a leash. It will help you maintain control, especially if your dog gets spooked by thunder. Additionally, visibility can be low in heavy rain, so a reflective leash or collar will make your dog more visible to drivers.
  3. Check the Weather: If thunderstorms are forecasted, delaying your walk or letting your dog out in a protected yard is best. Thunder can be very frightening for many dogs.

After Going Out in the Rain:

  1. Dry Your Dog: Once you're back inside, thoroughly dry your dog with a towel. Dry their paws and in-between their toes to avoid any potential irritations or infections.
  2. Check Their Paws: Check your dog's paws for any signs of injury or debris that might have become lodged there. If your dog will tolerate it, consider gently washing their paws to remove any potential pollutants or irritants, they might have stepped on.
  3. Look for Signs of Discomfort: If your dog seemed anxious or scared during the walk, monitor them for any ongoing signs of distress. If your dog is very wet and cold, watch out for signs of hypothermia, such as intense shivering, lethargy, and shallow breathing.
  4. Keep Them Warm: After drying your dog, ensure they are warm, especially in colder weather. A warm spot to snuggle or a cozy dog bed can help raise their body temperature if they are cold.

Remember, if your dog is uncomfortable going out in the rain, they likely don't need to. Dogs can wait for extended periods between bathroom breaks, and there are plenty of ways to keep them entertained inside if the weather is inclement. However, if going out is necessary, these precautions can help ensure your dog's safety and comfort.

Published on: June 28, 2023