9 Purrfect Tips for Cat-friendly Travel

9 Purrfect Tips for Cat-friendly Travel

The most popular opinion among pet owners is that cats do not make “purrfect” travel companions. But the truth is, on the contrary. You just need to follow a few rules before you take your cats on a road trip. When it comes to traveling with cats, you must always treat your Highness the right way. With the right preparation, your cat can have so much fun as you do.


What to do while taking your cat in an RV?

Find your cat’s personality: Cats are of different types. Some are adventurous, while some are shy, and some prefer to stay home and be treated like a goddess. If you have an adventurous cat, good for you. It is often difficult to train cats that do not have this particular quality within them.

#1 Introduce your cat to the vehicle

Cats take time to get attached to their surroundings. Therefore jump-starting this with a trip is a bad thing to do. Introduce them to the vehicle in which your cat will be traveling. Park your car or RV in a park and take your cat to it every day. This process might take a few days or weeks, depending on your cat.

#2 Make them comfortable

Cats tend to get very comfortable in their natural habitat. So if your cat has a favorite bed or toy, bring them into the car or RV. Make sure that you have them even during your training sessions.

#3 Safety comes first

Cats, like dogs cannot stay put for a long time, they have the habit of moving around. This increases their chances of getting hurt when the vehicle is on the run. Have a crate and put them in it while traveling.

#4 Get a litter box

Cats pee a lot more than dogs. Get a litter box so that they feel comfortable.

#5 Train them on leash

It is best if you could train your cat to walk with you on a leash. Cats are free-spirited and do not like to be leashed. But training them for this is the best thing to do when going out on a hike.

#6 Temperature check

Cats have an internal temperature of 101 or 102 Fahrenheit, meaning they cannot handle the heat. Make sure that you always carry a pet temperature monitor with you such that you can keep track of their comfortable environment.

#7 Cats can get carsick

Take your cat to a vet before you travel. Get medications for all possible problems that could arise. Try researching and finding out emergency vets near the place of your travel. It is always better to be prepared than regret later.

#8 Protective window covers

Screen sheets cannot stop your cats from lurking around. Seal your windows to prevent your cat from escaping when you are not noticing.

#9 Keep them active

Remember, cats are not like dogs; they do not like to be left alone. So make sure that they are part of your plans during your trip.

That's a wrap!

Traveling with a cat may require more effort and planning, but it can be a rewarding experience that deepens your bond with your pet. By adhering to these tips and considering your cat's individual needs and personality, you can ensure a safe and stress-free journey for both of you.

Always remember, patience, empathy, and preparation can make cat-friendly travel not only possible but enjoyable. Happy travels!