The sights and sounds of Halloween can be fun and exciting for humans, but for your pets all the new decorations, costumes and increased foot traffic can quickly become overwhelming. As a pet owner, you want them to enjoy the festive season with you without getting stressed out. Here’s how to gently introduce your furry friends to all things Halloween.
Start Early and Take It Slow
Don’t wait until October 31st to put up decorations and expect your pet to be fine with the sudden changes. Instead, start introducing decor items in small doses earlier in October. Put out a few pumpkins or small decorative pieces to start, placing them in areas your pet already frequents and feels comfortable in. Slowly add to the decor over several weeks, giving them time to investigate and get used to each item.

Use Familiar and Positive Scents
Incorporate familiar and positive scents into the decor to help make items less intimidating. For example, rub catnip on safe decorations you place around for cats or use treats to encourage dogs to positively interact with new items. You can also rub decor items with towels or blankets that have your pet’s scent on them already to signify safety.
Keep Escape Routes Clear
As you decorate, make sure not to block off areas or routes your pet uses to retreat and feel secure. Whether it’s under beds, behind sofas or into their crate or bed, keeping their preferred hideaways clear and accessible will allow them to comfortably remove themselves from the situation if it becomes too much.
Use Pet-Safe Decorations
Of course, safety should be your number one priority when decking out your home for Halloween. Many common decorations can harm pets if swallowed or broken, from glow sticks and fake cobwebs to toxic plants like pumpkins. Opt for pet-safe decor pieces instead, placing hazardous items well out of reach of pets and supervising them closely when first introducing.
Create a Safe Space
Set up a quiet, cozy spot somewhere in your home where your pet can get away from all the Halloween action. Place familiar bedding, toys and treats in this space allowing them to relax and feel protected. If they seem stressed by the decor or increased activity, guide them to this safe space for some relief.
Keep Costumes Comfy
If you plan to dress up your pet, make sure their costume is comfortable and doesn’t restrict movement, vision, or ability to breathe or drink water. Never force a costume onto a stressed or unwilling pet. Instead, introduce costume pieces slowly with lots of their favorite treats allowing them to willingly explore and make positive associations with the items.
Use Calming Products
Try using calming pheromones or natural supplements to ease anxiety issues your pet may experience with Halloween disruptions. Calming collars, sprays, diffusers and oral products can all help take the edge off during this hectic time of year. Talk to your vet about safest options for your pet.
Stick to a Routine
Try to keep your pet’s routine with feeding, walks, play and cuddles as close as possible to their normal schedule. Maintaining this consistency amidst Halloween chaos will give them a sense of safety and normalcy.
Pay Attention to Body Language
Look for signs of fear, anxiety or aggression in your pet as you introduce new stimuli. Dilated pupils, tucked tails, trembling, hiding, whining, destruction and unusual bathroom habits can all indicate serious stress. If these behaviors persist, remove the upsetting decoration and consider talking to your vet or a professional trainer/behaviorist.
Give Plenty of Breaks
Make sure your pet has places they can go to get away from trick-or-treaters knocking on the door, sounds of Halloween movies or music, and general chaos. Allow them to retreat to their safe space, quiet bedroom or crate for breaks, never forcing them to interact with stressful stimuli against their will.
With some preparation and patience, you can help prevent your furry friend from becoming a nervous wreck this Halloween. Pay attention to their body language, go at their pace and provide plenty of TLC. Before you know it, they’ll happily wag their way alongside you into seasonal fun!