5 Signs Your Dog Is Suffering from Heatstroke

5 Signs Your Dog Is Suffering from Heatstroke

Heatstroke (also known as hyperthermia) is something parents of young children think about plenty in the summer. But humans aren’t the only ones that can suffer from heatstroke. Dogs too can suffer from Heatstroke also known as Dog Heatstroke.

Dog Heatstroke isn’t always on pet owners’ radars, but failing to recognize the signs can be extremely dangerous  even deadly to your beloved furry friend. Dogs are the most at-risk because they spend more time outdoors and traveling with us in vehicles than other pets. As dog lovers, we want our companions to do everything with us especially when summer time comes.


Know the signs of Dog Heatstroke

That’s why it’s crucial to know the signs of heatstroke and keep an eye out for them when you’re outdoors in warm weather or traveling with your pet. Excessive heat that raises your dog’s body temperature over 103 degrees Fahrenheit can cause severe, potentially fatal, damage to your dog’s brain, heart, and liver.

Pro tip:  Be cautious if you leave your pet inside your Car or RV. They may get sudden Heatstroke in which they undergo mild to fatal conditions. Monitor those unforeseen temperature changes with Pet Monitor effortlessly.


These are 5 signs you must never ignore that indicate your dog is in heat-related distress

1. Rapid Panting In Dogs

 Dogs pant to regulate their body temperature and stay cool. Some amount of panting is normal and healthy. However, when panting isn’t enough, their body temperature can quickly rise to dangerous levels.

The minute you notice excessive panting, get your dog out of the heat, to a cool or shady area, with access to plenty of fresh water.

2. Tongue/Gum color change In Dogs

One of the early warning signs that many pet owners might overlook is a dog's gum conditionChecking the color of his tongue and gums is a good proactive measure to keep your dog’s body temperature cool.

The tongue and gums can become dark red in color as the body temperature rises.

A paler than normal color in the gums can also be a sign of heatstroke, as it can indicate oxygen deficiency. If you notice this, head indoors or for the shade and allow your dog access to plenty of cool water.

If you think oxygen depletion is occurring, call your vet or get to an emergency vet department immediately.

3. Depression/Lethargy In Dogs

If your dog is lethargic, not getting up, or off-balance, these can all be very serious signs of heatstroke that should never be ignored. This behavior can be the result of internal organ damage brought on by excessive heat.


Also Read: Dogs Have a Higher Risk of Getting a Heat Stroke?


4. Vomiting/Diarrhea In Dogs 

These symptoms can be a result of dehydration and/or internal distress brought on by heat. If your dog is having diarrhea or vomiting as a result of heat, offer her fresh water and call your vet immediately.


Also Read: First Aid for Heatstroke in Dog


5. Unresponsiveness/Coma In Dogs

A coma is a depressed level of consciousness. He may initially act confused, and not obey commands. A stupor can progress to a total loss of consciousness. If your dog is not responding and cannot be awakened, call your vet and get him to a care center immediately.

Remember, dogs can’t tell us they’re in distress. While we often think of them as just another family member, we must remember that our dogs can’t tell us they’re too hot or don’t feel well.

By the time they’re showing outward signs of distress, the situation can already be extremely serious.

It’s up to us to take every precaution to keep our pooches safe from overheating whether outdoors, indoors, or traveling in a vehicle. Wherever your dog happens to be accompanying you, pack plenty of fresh water and select activities where it will be easy to find shade and cool temps.

If your pet will be accompanying you anywhere that will require her to spend time alone in a vehicle or RV, make sure you have a proper pet temperature monitor. This ensures the vehicle stays at a safe temperature. These monitors can be used inside your home while you’re away too.

By being proactive and sensible you can keep your dog safe this summer from Dog Heatstroke!

Published on: March 31, 2024