5 Facts about Corgis - What You Need to Know

5 Facts about Corgis - What You Need to Know

Corgis are undeniably one of the most charismatic and beloved dog breeds worldwide. With their fluffy tails, expressive eyes, and petite stature, they've won the hearts of many, including notable figures like Queen Elizabeth II. If you're considering welcoming a corgi into your home or you're simply a dog enthusiast who loves this breed, here are five facts you need to know about corgis.

#1 There are Two Distinct Breeds of Corgis

Yes, there's more than one breed of Corgi! The two distinct breeds are the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Though they share many similarities and are often mistaken for each other, these breeds have several differences.

Cardigans are the older of the two breeds and have a slightly larger build with rounded ears. They come in more colors than Pembrokes and are known for their long, bushy tails. On the other hand, Pembrokes typically have a smaller, more compact build with pointy ears and are often tail-less or have very short tails due to historical docking practices.

#2 Corgis are Herding Dogs

Despite their small size, corgis are herding dogs, bred for the hardy task of driving cattle. They are surprisingly agile and robust, with a strong instinct for rounding up livestock. This herding instinct often carries over into their domestic life, so don't be surprised if your corgi tries to herd you, your kids, or even other pets!

#3 Corgis are Highly Intelligent

Corgis are renowned for their intelligence and quick wit. They're extremely trainable and excel in obedience training, herding events, agility courses, and more. This intelligence, coupled with their eagerness to please their owners, makes them a joy to train. However, their smart nature can also lead to a bit of stubbornness, so consistent, positive reinforcement training methods work best with this breed.

#4 They Have a Royal Fan

Corgis have a notable fan – Queen Elizabeth II of England. She received her first corgi named "Dookie" when she was just a child, and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named "Susan" on her 18th birthday, who was so dear to her that she even took Susan on her honeymoon. Since then, she has owned more than 30 corgis, all of whom are descendants of Susan. The Queen's love for this breed has undoubtedly boosted their popularity.

#5 Corgis are Prone to Certain Health Issues

Like all dog breeds, corgis are prone to specific health issues. Due to their long, low-set bodies, one of the most common health problems in this breed is Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), which can lead to severe spinal problems. In addition, they're also prone to obesity due to their hearty appetites. Regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, and adequate exercise are crucial to maintaining a corgi's health.

That's a wrap!

Whether you're smitten by their adorable appearance, taken in by their smart and charming nature, or are a fan because of the royal connection, there's no denying that corgis make delightful pets. As with any dog breed, understanding their history, characteristics, and health considerations are key factors to providing them a happy and healthy life. These five facts offer a peek into the delightful world of corgis, a breed that is sure to offer unconditional love, plenty of fun moments, and years of companionship.