5 Winter Pet Behavior Changes: What’s Normal & What’s Not?

5 Winter Pet Behavior Changes: What’s Normal & What’s Not?

Winter changes everything the temperature, our daily routines, even our moods. But have you ever noticed that your pet seems a little different too? Maybe they’re sleeping more, eating more, or just acting strangely?

Just like humans, pets react to seasonal changes. The cold weather, shorter days, and dry air can all impact their behavior, energy levels, and overall well-being. But which changes are normal, and when should you be concerned? Let’s break it down!

1. Sleeping More? Perfectly Normal!

If your pet is napping more than usual, don’t be surprised. The shorter daylight hours can affect their internal clock, making them feel sleepier. Dogs and cats naturally adjust their energy levels to the season, just like we do.

When It’s Normal:

  • They’re still playful and happy when awake.

  • They respond normally to food and playtime.

When to Be Concerned:

  • They seem unusually sluggish or uninterested in things they usually love.

  • They’re sleeping excessively and eating less.

How to Help:

  • Keep them active with indoor play sessions.

  • Let them soak up natural sunlight whenever possible.

  • If lethargy persists, schedule a vet check-up.

Pet sleeping more in sofa

2. Eating More? Instinct at Work

Ever feel like your dog or cat has turned into a bottomless pit? Many pets eat more in winter it’s an instinct to build fat for warmth. But if your pet is mostly indoors, they don’t actually need the extra calories.

When It’s Normal:

  • They’re still maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Their eating habits haven’t changed drastically.

When to Be Concerned:

  • Sudden, excessive weight gain.

  • Unusual food aggression or constant begging.

How to Help:

  • Stick to regular portion sizes don’t overfeed just because they act hungry.

  • Opt for high-protein snacks instead of carb-heavy treats
  • Keep them moving with games and short walks.

3. Acting Clingy? It’s the Winter Blues

Some pets, especially dogs, may become extra attached to their humans in winter. The lack of sunlight can lower serotonin levels, affecting their mood (just like in humans with Seasonal Affective Disorder). Plus, they might just want warmth and comfort!

When It’s Normal:

  • They just want more snuggles and attention.

  • Their overall mood is stable.

When to Be Concerned:

  • They seem anxious or restless when left alone.

  • They’re showing signs of depression (lack of appetite, extreme lethargy).

How to Help:

  • Spend extra quality time together cuddles and play go a long way!

  • Expose them to natural light by opening curtains or going on short walks.

  • Try mental stimulation activities like puzzle feeders.

4. Avoiding the Outdoors? The Cold Is to Blame

Does your dog suddenly refuse to go on walks? Is your cat avoiding their litter box? Cold temperatures, snow, and ice can make pets hesitant to step outside.

When It’s Normal:

  • They’re simply reluctant but will go out if encouraged.

  • They prefer quick bathroom breaks rather than long walks.

When to Be Concerned:

  • They’re holding in their pee for too long (can lead to health issues).

  • They seem distressed about going outside.

How to Help:

  • For dogs, try a cozy sweater and protective booties.

  • Shovel a small patch of grass for them to use.

  • Keep the litter box in a warm, accessible area for cats.

5. Dry Skin & Itchiness? Winter Air Strikes Again

Dry winter air can be rough on a pet’s skin, leading to itchiness, flaky skin, and cracked paws. Some pets even develop winter allergies due to indoor heating and dust buildup.

When It’s Normal:

  • They have mild itchiness or dandruff.

  • Their skin looks slightly dry but not inflamed.

When to Be Concerned:

  • Constant scratching, licking, or biting at their skin.

  • Red, inflamed patches or excessive hair loss.

How to Help:

  • Use a humidifier to keep indoor air moist.

  • Apply pet-safe paw balm and moisturizing sprays.

  • Bathe them less often to avoid stripping natural oils.

Dog biting his skin

Final Thoughts

Winter brings a lot of changes, and it’s completely normal for your pet to adjust their behavior with the season. A little extra sleep, an increased appetite, and some clinginess are all part of their natural response to colder weather.

But if you notice extreme changes like excessive lethargy, drastic weight gain, or signs of depression it’s always a good idea to check with your vet.

At the end of the day, winter is a great time for extra snuggles, cozy nights in, and making sure your pet feels safe, warm, and loved. After all, they’re just trying to stay comfy just like us!

Published on: January 29, 2025