How Long Can You Leave Your Cat Alone Safely?

How Long Can You Leave Your Cat Alone Safely?


As summer approaches with its long days and warm weather, many of us look forward to vacations. However, for cat owners, the excitement of time away also brings the dilemma of ensuring their furry companion is well cared for in their absence.

While dogs might need a boarding facility or dog walker, the situation is different for cats. The duration a cat can comfortably spend alone at home varies significantly based on several factors. Here’s what you need to know to keep your cat happy and healthy while you enjoy your summer getaway.

Understanding Your Cat’s Needs

Every cat is unique, influenced by their age, health, personality, and the other pets they live with. Here’s a general guideline on how long cats can be left alone based on their life stages:

  • Adult Cats: Healthy adult cats (over one year old) can typically be left alone for 24 to 36 hours if they have access to sufficient food, water, and a clean litter box.

  • Kittens: Require more frequent attention and feeding. It’s crucial for their social development and safety that someone checks on them multiple times a day.

  • Senior Cats: Older cats may need more frequent checks to ensure they are eating and not facing any health issues.

  • Cats with Medical Needs: Cats on medication or with health conditions should not be left alone for long. Ensure that anyone checking on them can properly administer medication and monitor their well-being.

Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment

To ensure your cat’s comfort while you're away:

  • Provide multiple sources of fresh water and ample food.
  • Keep their litter box clean and accessible.
  • Set up a cozy rest area with their favorite bedding and toys.
  • Consider setting up a Waggle Pet Temperature Monitor to keep a constant check on the environmental conditions, ensuring they remain optimal for your pet’s comfort.
  • Install a Waggle Cam to keep an eye on your cat remotely. This device not only allows you to watch your pet but also to interact with them, providing peace of mind that they are safe and not getting into mischief. Check out this review of WaggleCam Pro

Entertainment and Mental Stimulation

Keeping your cat entertained is crucial, especially if they are alone for extended periods. Consider:

  • Interactive toys or puzzle feeders.
  • A window perch for bird watching.
  • Leaving a TV on with nature documentaries.

Dealing with Potential Loneliness

Cats often form strong bonds with their owners and can experience loneliness. Signs of loneliness include changes in vocalization, eating habits, and behavior. If your cat shows these signs or if you’re often away, think about:

  • Hiring a cat sitter who can provide companionship.
  • Adopting another pet for company, though this should be carefully considered based on your cat’s personality.

Boarding vs. Home Care

Decide whether a cat sitter or a boarding facility is best for your cat based on their personality and needs. A familiar sitter or a professional service can offer more personalized care in your home, which is less stressful for most cats. However, if boarding is the only option, ensure the facility is calm, clean, and well-managed.

Vacation Planning for Your Cat

Before leaving for a vacation, double-check that:

  • Your cat’s vaccinations are up-to-date if considering boarding.
  • The environment at home is safe and free from hazards.
  • Your cat has everything needed to feel secure and content.

With thoughtful preparation and the right tools like the Waggle Cam and Pet Temperature Monitor, you can ensure your cat remains safe and happy while you’re away, allowing you to enjoy your vacation worry-free. At Waggle, we understand the bond you share with your pet and aim to provide solutions that enhance their well-being even in your absence.