National Veterinary Technician Week

National Veterinary Technician Week

National Veterinary Technician Week is celebrated in the third calendar week of every year. For 2024, it will be from 13th October to 19th October. This is an annual event that honors the valuable work of vet techs, also known as veterinary nurses or technicians, and raises awareness of their importance.

Who are Veterinary Technicians?

Vet techs play a critical role in the veterinary healthcare team. They perform a wide variety of medical procedures and tests on animals to assist veterinarians in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries. Their responsibilities can include:

  • Taking animals' medical histories and reviewing case files
  • Monitoring anesthetized animals during surgeries and dental cleanings
  • Collecting samples and performing lab work like blood counts, urinalyses, and fecal exams
  • Caring for hospitalized animals and providing nursing care
  • Administering medications and fluids and giving vaccines
  • Restraining animals during exams and procedures
  • Operating equipment like X-ray and ultrasound machines
  • Providing grief counseling and grief care for families
  • Educating pet owners regarding wellness, medical issues, and preventative care

Veterinary technicians work in all types of settings including veterinary hospitals and clinics, diagnostic labs, research facilities, shelters, zoos, pharmaceutical companies, military and government agencies, and universities.

Veterinary Technician with dog

The History of National Veterinary Technician Week

The National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) - the leading advocacy group for vet techs - established National Veterinary Technician Week in October 1993 to promote the important contributions of vet techs and raise awareness of the field. It is celebrated alongside the national convention of the NAVTA where vet techs convene to learn and network. State awareness days also exist outside of National Vet Tech Week to highlight the value technicians provide locally.

Due to the incredible expansion in the number of vet techs in recent decades, this annual week takes on even greater significance. Vet tech is one of the fastest growing professions. There are over 100,000 vet techs working in the US today, with more than 10,000 new vet techs graduating from training programs every year. National Veterinary Technician Week helps ensure the work of these amazing, highly skilled professionals receives the recognition it deserves.

Celebrating Vet Techs During National Veterinary Technician Week

There are many ways for vet hospitals, clinics, schools, professional organizations, and individuals to celebrate National Veterinary Technician Week:

  • Organize staff appreciation activities, lunches, ceremonies, or gift giving to recognize vet techs
  • Run social media campaigns highlighting vet techs and their work
  • Include stories and interviews with vet techs in newsletters or blogs
  • Set up mentorship programs to inspire the next generation of vet techs
  • Donate to vet tech scholarships or schools
  • Send thank you cards or small gifts to vet techs
  • Invite vet tech speakers to talk about the field
  • Share what #VetTechLife means on social media
Thankful to veterinary

The Future of Veterinary Technology

As veterinary medicine continues advancing, so too will the responsibilities and expertise of vet techs. Their scope of practice is only expected to expand. Areas of growth include behavior counseling, rehabilitation therapies, specialized nursing, clinical pathology, diagnostic imaging, dentistry, anesthesia, and critical care. The introduction of new technologies and treatments in vet medicine also ensures vet techs will take on new, cutting-edge roles we cannot yet imagine.

National Veterinary Technician Week and the greater recognition of vet techs help pave the way for the bright future of this profession. With more advanced training programs, credentialing, and advocacy, vet techs will remain integral to quality animal healthcare. Their passion and skills are what enable veterinarians to provide the very best care.

Final Words

National Veterinary Technician Week is the perfect opportunity to honor the vet tech profession and the technicians who ensure the highest quality care for animals, support veterinarians, and educate pet owners. With the invaluable work they do, vet techs are indispensable members of the veterinary field who more than deserve a week in the national spotlight.