Why Does My Dog Drool Around Other Dogs?

Why Does My Dog Drool Around Other Dogs?

Dog lovers and pet parents have, at some point or another, found themselves puzzled by the odd behaviors of their furry companions. One such quirk is the tendency for some dogs to drool excessively in the presence of other dogs.

If you've noticed this happening with your canine buddy, you might be wondering why. Let's dive into some potential reasons behind this drooly dilemma.

#1 Anticipation of Play 

Dogs are inherently social creatures. When they see other dogs, especially if they're the playful type, they may anticipate a fun play session. This anticipation can stimulate salivation, just as humans might salivate in anticipation of a tasty meal.

#2 Stress or Anxiety

Contrary to the playful scenario, some dogs may feel anxious or threatened in the presence of other dogs. This can be due to past traumatic incidents, lack of socialization during their formative months, or simply an inherent personality trait. This nervousness can lead to increased drooling.

#3 Overstimulation

Meeting other dogs, especially in an unfamiliar environment or for the first time, can be an overwhelming experience for some dogs. The flood of new scents, sounds, and potential interactions can be overstimulating, leading to increased salivation.

#4 Health Concerns

While not as common, certain health issues can cause excessive drooling. Oral health problems, respiratory issues, or even certain systemic diseases can increase salivation. If your dog drools excessively not only around other dogs but also in other scenarios, it might be worth consulting with a vet.

#5 Breed Predisposition

Some breeds are naturally more "drooly" than others. Breeds like the Saint Bernard, Mastiff, and Bloodhound have a tendency to drool more due to the structure of their mouths and lips. If you own one of these breeds, increased drooling around other dogs might just be a magnification of their typical behavior.

#6 Submissive Behavior

In the canine world, drooling can be a sign of submission. A dog that feels inferior or submissive to another dog might drool as a way to show passive behavior and avoid confrontations. It's their way of saying, "I'm no threat to you."


Also Read:  Why do dogs drool in the car?


What Can You Do?

  1. Observe and Document: Pay attention to when and where the drooling happens. Does it only occur around certain dogs? Only in unfamiliar places? Identifying patterns can help pinpoint the cause.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: If your dog's drooling is due to anxiety or fear, positive reinforcement around other dogs can help. Reward your fido with treats and praise when they remain calm around other dogs.
  3. Consultation: If you suspect health issues or if the drooling is excessive, always consult with a veterinarian. They can provide guidance, run tests, and offer solutions.
  4. Training and Socialization: If your dog is young or hasn't had much interaction with other dogs, consider puppy classes or controlled playdates. Gradual, positive exposure can reduce anxiety and overstimulation.

That's a wrap!

While drooling around other dogs can be puzzling, understanding the potential reasons can offer clarity and direction. With patience, observation, and maybe a few extra drool rags, you can navigate this drooly phase with your canine companion!

Published on: August 21, 2023