Why do dogs get zoomies? - Understand the reason behind your fido's behavior

Why do dogs get zoomies?

Why do dogs get zoomies?

Many dog owners have been there, settling down for a calm evening, only to have their dog burst into a frenzy of energy. This nighttime hyperactivity can be puzzling and even frustrating for pet parents. But what is behind this behavior often dubbed the “nighttime zoomies”?


#1 Evolutionary Habits:

Domestic dogs trace their lineage to wild ancestors like wolves, which are crepuscular animals, most active during dawn and dusk. These twilight hours were suitable for hunting, with cooler temperatures and decreased visibility providing a strategic edge. Modern-day dogs don’t need to hunt, but these hardwired behaviors persist, potentially explaining the sudden evening energy surges.


#2 Energy Reservoirs:

One primary reason for nighttime zoomies is the build-up of unused energy. A dog that hasn’t had sufficient physical or mental stimulation throughout the day might end up releasing this accumulated energy all at once. It's essential to ensure your dog has a balance of activities, from walks to puzzle toys, to expend this energy progressively.


#3 Overstimulation:

Much like toddlers who resist sleep even when overtired, dogs too can exhibit hyperactivity when overstimulated. A day filled with new experiences, be it new canine friends at the park or a trip to a different environment, can lead to an adrenaline boost, resulting in nighttime hyperactivity.


#4 Sleep Patterns:

Dogs don’t have the same sleep pattern as humans. They tend to sleep more but in shorter spurts. This means they might have several wakeful moments during the night. Sometimes, these awake periods can manifest as energetic playfulness, especially if they coincide with their natural crepuscular tendencies.


#5 Dietary Influences:

Food plays a pivotal role in energy levels. A diet rich in carbohydrates can cause energy spikes. Moreover, feeding your dog late in the evening might result in post-dinner liveliness. Always discuss your dog's diet with a vet to ensure it's balanced and served at optimal times.


#6 Youthful Exuberance:

Younger dogs, especially puppies, are balls of energy. They are navigating a world full of novelties, from understanding their environment to managing teething discomforts. This exploration and growth can result in erratic energy bursts, often during nighttime.


#7 Medical Underpinnings:

While often benign, nighttime hyperactivity can sometimes point towards underlying medical issues. Certain conditions, from allergies to more severe ailments, can cause restlessness. If the nighttime zoomies are a new or suddenly intensified behavior, or if they come with other unusual symptoms, it's prudent to consult a veterinarian.


#8 The Attention Game:

Dogs, being the social creatures they are, sometimes engage in behaviors purely for the attention it garners. If acting lively at night gets them any form of attention, even if it's a reprimand, they might repeat it. This is particularly true for dogs who might feel they were neglected during the day.

Navigating the Nighttime Zoomies - Tips and Tricks:

  • Establish Routine: Dogs thrive on consistency. A structured day with set times for meals, walks, play, and sleep can help regulate their energy.
  • Evening Engagement: An evening activity, be it a stroll in the park or some quiet play, can help in burning off residual energy, signaling to your dog that it’s winding down time.
  • Sleep Ambiance: Ensuring your dog has a cozy, quiet sleep spot can make a difference. A comfortable bed in a dimly lit, peaceful corner can set the right bedtime mood.
  • Obedience Commands: Training always comes in handy. Commands like ‘settle down’ can be beneficial in calming an overly excited dog. Remember, positive reinforcement works wonders.
  • Medical Check-up: Always keep an open line of communication with your veterinarian. If nighttime hyperactivity seems sudden or out of character, a medical check-up can rule out potential health concerns.


That's a wrap!

A dog's nighttime hyperactivity can stem from various factors, ranging from deep-seated evolutionary habits to modern-day routines. While it can be perplexing or even a tad vexing for dog parents, understanding its root cause offers a pathway to manage it effectively. You and your canine companion can enjoy peaceful nights with the right mix of activities, training, and medical guidance when needed. 

Published on: October 24, 2023