WaggleCam UltraNew

Worried about leaving your pets at home?

Now you can facetime with your pets and monitor their room temperature and humidity to ensure
your furry babies comfort while you’re away.

Separation Anxiety

75% of dogs exhibit signs of separation anxiety when their owners are away

Why Waggle Camera

Facetime. Anytime. Everytime

Be always in connect with your pets, facetime with your pets right from your app and chat with them using your own voice. With a built-in treat dispenser treat them when you miss them or when they cry.

WaggleCam Ultra Highlights

Treat Toss anytime,
from anywhere

Built in temperature and
humidity monitor

Get alerted when your
pets bark/cry

Privacy-focused, your data
is always stored locally step playback

Monitor every nook and
corner with 360° rotation

Monitor your pet's activities
at night with night vision

Talk and listen to your
pets in real-time

Track and get alerted to
any pet or human motion

Temperature and Humidity alerts

The only pet camera that monitors room temperature and humidity to ensure pets are safe from heatstroke and frostbite.

A Pet-Focused App Just for You

WaggleCam Ultra

Stay connected with WaggleCam Ultra! Enjoy 360° coverage, crystal-clear video, and real-time temperature, humidity, and motion alerts for peace of mind anywhere. SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED!

$430.93 $286.81

Get Your Ultimate Pet Watcher

  • Monitor your pet’s environment temperature and humidity.
  • Get real-time temperature and humidity alerts.
  • Watch your pets live and talk to them from anywhere.
  • Toss a treat for your loved ones so they don’t miss you.
  • Keep an eye on every move.
  • Get alerted when your pet barks or cries.
  • Get instant alerts for every pet move!
  • $0.3/day billed Monthly
    Bark Plan

    $0.16/day billed Annually
    Bark Plan

    How Does WaggleCam Ultra Work?

    Connect your WaggleCam Ultra

    Capture and cherish every memory. WaggleCam Ultra's album feature helps you save and organize your pet's most endearing moments, keeping them close to your heart.

    wagglecam ultra
    Get Started with WaggleCam

    Choose WaggleCam from the 'Category' list and start exploring!

    wagglecam ultra
    Unlock WaggleCam Ultra!

    Create your account now to access advanced pet care features and keep your furry friend safe and happy, all while staying connected.

    wagglecam ultra
    Start Your Pet Care Journey!

    Dive into smarter pet care with WaggleCam Ultra. Effortlessly monitor and interact with your furry friend, ensuring their well-being—all from the palm of your hand!

    wagglecam ultra

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Where can I Place my WaggleCam Ultra?
    • To position your WaggleCam Ultra effectively, consider your pet’s usual spots.
    • Place it away from direct sunlight and moisture.
    • Suggest mounting it 22 to 45 inches above the floor or as per your pet’s height.
    • Since WaggleCam Ultra’s antenna is on the right side, keep it about 5 feet away from the router, left or front side of it.
    • Use the included 3M double-sided tapes on the bottom to secure it if your pet is likely to knock it over.
    What treats should I consider for the WaggleCam Ultra treat tosser?

    It’s best to opt for treat that are dry, firm and no larger than 4 inch.

    Is the app compatible with both iOS and Android devices?

    Yes, the Waggle application is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.

    How to clean my WaggleCam Ultra Treat dispenser?

    The WaggleCam treat container can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth.

    Can the WaggleCam Ultra track both pets and humans?

    The WaggleCam Ultra supports either Pet Tracking or Human Tracking, but only one mode can be active at a time. Use the app to switch between them and receive real-time notifications for the selected option.

    What is the main difference between WaggleCam Pro and WaggleCam Ultra?

    The main difference is that WaggleCam Ultra has integrated temperature and humidity sensors, allowing real-time environmental monitoring through the app.

    Can I use my own treats with the WaggleCam Ultra?

    You can use your own treats with the WaggleCam Ultra, as long as they are dry and 0.4 inches or smaller in size.

    What is the maximum size of treats that can be used with the WaggleCam Ultra?

    The WaggleCam Ultra is designed to work with treats that are up to 0.4 inches in size. For optimal performance, make sure the treats you use are smaller than this size to avoid clogging or malfunction of the treat dispenser.

    What is the capacity of the treat holder in the WaggleCam Ultra?

    The treat holder in the WaggleCam Ultra has a maximum capacity of 400 grams, allowing you to store plenty of treats for your pet.